Cribbage, and life...
In Cribbage you choose the cards that will first of all give you the most points. If you have a choice between cards, you choose the one's that can be enhanced, or failing that, the one's which would yield the greatest points if the right up turned card shows up.
. . . but if you choose the cards that would give you a hi-score IF the right upturned card shows up . . . you've got (52 - 12 = 40) a 1 in 40 chance that the card you want will show up.
I wonder how many of us play life by the odds rather than by what's actually there? We go beyond "If only..." and move right past it to... "when this happens, then I'll do this this and this..." and we forget all about the fact that we've just built all our hopes on an "if" a mere chance in who knows how many possibilities.
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