The creation story is to me the beginning of a conversation between God and man.
Man's accountability began, his innocence ended. Man's wisdom for his plight? The wisdom he gained from eating that tree? Let's see,
* Adam and Eve hid themselves
--> both with sewn together fig leaves and in the shrubbery when they heard God comin' awalkin'
* they tried to re-direct blame, deflecting?
* Cain killed Abel to deal with jealousy, and God's displeasure
* God's heart was broken, because man's violence. That is when the flood was imminent. Then he found Noah, and decided to slay all but his family, and the animals.
--> it was because of violence "brotherly hatred" instead of "brotherly love"
God's solution, the remnant. Mercy!
Authenticity of the Bible. Its really true, as it is written, its the inspired word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16-18
Genesis 1... In the beginning God
- He started it all
- He continues it
- He is in control
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